Got Letters of Administration! What now?
This is a followup to my previous post on starting Probate in Florida, specifically Formal Administration. The initial push in probate is dedicated to convincing the judge to appoint you as the personal representative (PR) and then issuing Letters of Administration. Now that you’ve got your credentials, it’s time to get to work.[clear] Here are […]
Letters of Administration – Do you really need them?!
I can’t say this enough: There are many situations where you do not need letters of administration. Many. Yes, the bank or customer service agent you are talking to says you do…but they are just reading from a policy manual or a list of predefined answers. They are not probate lawyers. They aren’t always right. […]
Letters of Administration Revisited
Quick Answer: Letters of Administration (LOAs) are court orders issued during formal probate administration that authorize a personal representative to access and manage estate assets. They’re not automatically issued and require proper legal filing through an attorney. MUST READ: Letters of Administration (LOA’s) are court orders. They are issued as PART of a FORMAL ADMINISTRATION […]
I AM the Personal Representative…or am I?
You’ve got the original Last Will and Testament and it declares you as the Personal Representative (or Executor, Administrator). You were the “chosen one”, right? It says that so it must be so! Right? Wrong. When a person drafts a Will, they are nominating someone to act as Personal Representative (PR), Executor or Administrator of […]
The bank needs “Letters of Administration” – Are you sure?
What are Letters of Administration? Letters of Administration are court orders granting authority to the person appointed as personal representative, to do all things necessary to administer a decedent’s estate. Letters are typically only issued in a formal administration of an estate which is initiated by a Petition for Administration. Once received, a personal representative may present the […]