Florida Probate Questions for the Month of July 2017

Quick links: My husband of 3 years has passed he bought a trailer home before we ever met there is no will who gets the trailer? How long can I wait before filing probate? [clear] Question: My husband of 3 years has passed he bought a trailer home before we ever met there is no […]
How do I file a Claim against an Estate & How do I even know if the Estate is opened?

Florida Probate Question of the Day: How do I file a Claim against an Estate & How do I even know if the Estate is opened? A claim is a one page document that called a “statement of claim” – you should be able to find a sample online. Google “statement of claim florida probate” […]
Must I Share Copies of the Original Last Will to the Entire Family?

Florida Probate Question of the Day: Do I have to immediately share copies of the Will with the family? Answer: No, at least not directly. State law requires that you “deposit the Will for safekeeping” with the clerk of courts within 10 days of learning that the decedent has died.
Do All Heirs Need to Consent to the Sale of the Homestead?

Quick Answer: In Florida, all heirs typically need to consent to sell inherited homestead property unless the will specifically instructs otherwise. Without unanimous consent, heirs may need to pursue a partition action through the courts to force a sale. Florida Probate Question of the Day: My mom, thankfully still alive at age 85, has informed […]